Voting light in primary

There were more election officials than voters Tuesday afternoon at the polling place at the Gardnerville Ranchos Fire Station. About a dozen volunteers were on hand to help voters and there were no lines.

The Ranchos site is the designated polling place for six precincts. About 300 people had voted by 1 p.m. Tuesday.

"It's slow but we expect more to come in after work," said volunteer Ron McClelland.

This is the ninth year McClelland and his wife Glenda have volunteered at elections at the Ranchos station.

Ranchos resident Tony Parodi brought son Mason, 11, and daughter Maizey, 12, when he came to vote.

"It was quick and easy," said Parodi. "There weren't really issues that I voted on today, but I try to do my part. I do the research and talk to friends and family so I'm prepared."

Volunteer Paula Corley said a voter who came in earlier in the day may have gone above and beyond in doing her part.

"One lady who was undergoing chemotherapy was on her way to the ER, but she had to stop in and vote first," said Corley. "People can make any excuse not to vote, but if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain.

"My nephew won a seat in the Legislature in Montana by two votes," she said. "That shows that every vote counts."

Clerk-Treasurer Barbara Griffin described Tuesday's turnout for the primary election as disappointing.

"Unless there's a big turnout later in the day, we'll be lucky if we make 50 percent," she said. "It's been very slow, with a very low turnout."

Griffin said that as of 2:30 p.m. Tuesday there had been no problems or incidents at any of the polling stations.

"We've got good workers and every place is staffed," she said. "We just need the voters."


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