Man sent to prison for abusing 11-year-old

A 27-year-old Gardnerville man who claimed he only spanked his ex-girlfriend's daughter was sentenced Monday to six years in Nevada State Prison for child abuse.

"This was actual child abuse, not excessive discipline," District Judge Michael Gibbons told David Springer.

"I don't have any confidence whatsoever you could go to classes and this would be taken care of. You are no candidate for probation," Gibbons said.

Originally, Springer was accused of sexually and physically abusing the victim, who was 11 when the incidents took place. The allegations of sexual abuse were dismissed and he pleaded guilty to child abuse to avoid prosecution on more serious offenses.

The victim and her mother testified Monday at the sentencing.

"I have nightmares he'll come back," the girl said. "It's really scary. I'm scared to sleep sometimes. I'm scared of loud noises and I am scared to walk around the house. I'll have fear attacks where I can't breathe and I have to lay down to get my breath back."

She told Gibbons that Springer hit her in the stomach, kicked her in the back and through her to the floor. She said he dragged her to the bathroom, and hit her head on the sink three or four times, causing bleeding.

The little girl said when the bleeding wouldn't stop, he tried to cauterize the burn with a penny he heated over a cigarette light and made an attempt to sew the wound so her mother wouldn't find out. He also was accused of pulling out her hair.

He was accused of abusing the girl in November 2007 and was arrested in March in Carson City. At the time of the offense, he was living with the mother and daughter in Gardnerville.

The mother declined to reveal where they are living.

She asked Gibbons to imprison Springer "as long as you can."

"I want him not being able to see my little sister and to stay away from us so we can get back to our old lives," she said.

The girl's mother said the abuse had created a rift between them because her daughter was afraid to talk about it.

"She has nightmares and is unhappy a lot of the time. She suffered a lot of beatings," the woman said.

"I had nothing to do with sexual assault," Springer said. "I swatted her on her butt. I'm wrong for that. I've been in jail for 268 days. I learned my lesson. It was stupid to do that. She's not even my daughter."

Gibbons said he believed the victim.

"You did physically abuse her more than once," he told Springer. "Your conduct is despicable. This was a defenseless child. You only focus on you."

Springer must serve 16 months before he is eligible for parole. He was given credit for time served.

"You need to think about what you've done," Gibbons said. "This is just punishment."


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