Gingerbread house winners announced

Dennis Little, Carson Valley Arts Council

Special to The R-C

The Carson Valley Arts Council extends its deepest thanks to all who participated in our fourth annual gingerbread house decorating contest. We were overwhelmed by the wonderful response and community support given to the event. Nineteen gingerbread homes were submitted and displayed at the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center. Combined with the Gallery of Trees, the museum was transformed into a veritable holiday wonderland, and it smelled delicious!

The Duffy family of Gardnerville won The People's Choice Award (voted on by visitors viewing the exhibit) for their gingerbread interpretation of Hogwart's Castle. In the children's division the winners were Brandon Thielman, first-place: Shane Severance, second-place and Travis Anderson, third-place.

The family division winners were the Duffy family, first-place; the Kaufmann family, second-place and the Wilson family, third-place. In the community groups division the winners were Carson Valley Residential Care Center, first-place, Scarselli Elementary School Kids Club, second-place and Cub Scout Pack 33 Den No. 8 Wolves, third-place. The winner of the individuals division was Judy M. Pierce.

The gingerbread house decorating contest is an annual event hosted by the Carson Valley Arts Council in cooperation with the Carson Valley Museum and Historical Society, and is sponsored in part by Douglas County Parks & Recreation.


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