Parenting classes begin in February

Family Support Council offers classes and workshops in February to give parents the opportunity to meet other parents, learn how to manage stress and anger and discover new skills to create a happier family life. Family Support Council has three separate classes starting at 6:30 p.m. and lasting about two hours.

-- Parenting Young Children, for parents of children up to 5 years. Class meets for four consecutive Tuesdays beginning Feb. 5.

-- Surviving Your Teen, for parents of children ages 13-18. Class meets for four consecutive Wednesdays beginning Feb. 6.

-- Effective Parenting, for parents of children ages 6-12. Class meets for four consecutive Thursdays beginning Feb. 7.

Every Monday starting in February and continuing through May, the Family Support Council offers a variety of workshops including parenting through divorce, educating drug offenders, family structure, discipline, divorce and custody rights, Internet safety and teen dating violence.

Free on-site baby-sitting provided for classes. Information and registration, 782-8692.


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