Checking out how Sea World has changed for the better

After growing up in San Diego and living here for nearly 11 years, when I went back to San Diego as a tourist, I found that Sea World has changed. When did Anheuser-Busch buy Sea World and since when is there a beer garden in an amusement park? OK, I'm getting older but I sure don't remember it that way when my boys were little and we bought season passes to go to Sea World at least once a month if for no other reason than for the exercise.

This visit was quite different. It was my 39th birthday and I was able to meet my oldest son Garrett and his fiancee Rachael there because they had a day off the aircraft carrier, which will be another story. Rachael's birthday was June 12, mine was the 14th and Garrett's was the 15th. I reminded him that he was due on Friday, June 13, and I walked all around the San Diego Zoo that day hoping labor would be on time. Does that ever work? I just went home tired.

The next day was my birthday and then I went in to labor. I was sure I was going to have him (my first child) on my birthday. Didn't happen, but he was born the next day on Father's Day just like his birthday fell on Father's Day this year. His father thought I planned it that way, silly guy.

We had lots to celebrate that year and more this year with all our birthdays so close and he and Rachael ending up in San Diego for so long because of the fire on the ship. That's another story too.

The salute at each of the shows we attended was for the service men and women and their families and at each show they had us all stand. I have never been so proud of my oldest as I was then " it was rather exhilarating.

The Shamu show was better than I ever remembered it. Maybe because of the four huge TV screens they had that bounced all around the stage showing us up close and personal what was happening. Maybe it's because the tricks seemed extreme. Next we were on to the dolphin show. Jenee loved it even though we didn't get splashed when the dolphins jumped up close to us and flapped their tails.

We also went to the pets' stadium for a pet show where a cat climbed a 20-foot-tall pole and actually jumped down into the trainer's arms. I know my mom's cat wouldn't do that no matter what kind of treats I offered him. One dog went over to a bin that was marked "hot dogs" and out came a whole bunch of dachshunds. There was a cat that climbed into a box that said "kitty shave" and out walked a hairless cat. It was hilarious.

There were two rides we went on that were really great. One was a helicopter motion ride to the Arctic. It was so much fun, Jenee and I went right back in line for seconds. The other was called the Atlantis and it was a water roller coaster ride. Jenee was tall enough but didn't know what to expect and I didn't want to tell her. She was scared, but if you ask her about it now, she will say it was great.

I would definitely recommend checking out Sea World if you haven't been in a while. Thanks, Garrett, for making your mother's birthday so wonderful.

Speaking of mothers' birthdays, happy 92nd birthday to my mother-in-law Vera in Texas yesterday and many more. Also, happy birthday to my mom today. Mom, you are the best mother anyone could ever ask for. I love you so very much. See you tonight at Uncle Mikey's for barbecue and cake.

n Lisa Welch is a Johnson Lane resident and can be reached at 267-9350.


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