Portrait wins photo club contest

Staff Reports

When Tamyra Crossley spotted her daughter, Blythe, catching bubbles from a bubble machine, she whipped out her camera. The image she caught, with rim lighting on the girl's blonde hair and a rainbow of colors in the soap bubbles, won top honors in the July Carson Valley Photo Club competition. She aptly named her picture "Bubble girl."

The winning picture was taken July 17 with a digital Nikon D-50 camera in Gardnerville.

Second place went to Priscilla Forster. It was a soft-light close-up portrait of her granddaughter taken in the back yard of her Carson Valley home.

Off-camera lighting caught the judges' eyes in awarding club member Ralph Phillips third place for a portrait of a fellow camera club member at the organization's June meeting.

The winning photos are on display at the Douglas County Public Library in Minden.

The club's next meeting will be 6:30 p.m. Aug. 28 at the Carson Valley United Methodist Church, 1375 Centerville Lane in Gardnerville.

Information, club president Anne Bothwell, (775) 220-7690.


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