Thanks for not approving business tax

We'd like to congratulate Douglas County commissioners on drawing the line at implementing the business tax.

We doubt anyone was anticipating the vote taken on Thursday without debate or dissent to kick the proposed tax to the curb.

It felt like a return to the old days, when Douglas leaders wouldn't raise taxes no matter what the need.

We're told that revenues looked a little better than had been anticipated, and with a serious effort to reduce costs, the county may balance out after all.

One thing we can do to help as taxpayers is to not get too worked up when some grant or study that backs some position we're particularly attached to doesn't pass.

There are going to be some hard choices about expenditures in the next few months.

The thing to remember is that there aren't two sides, taxpayers versus the county, there's just we the people.

That's the only way we'll get through this without tearing ourselves apart.

We can go back to being our combative selves when times get better.


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