The R-C Morning Report

Tonight is the Douglas County Sheriff's Office Open House. The event kicks off after work at 5 p.m., so come on by, have a dog and say "Howdy," to our thin khaki line. There's lots of stuff to do for the kids.

I assume there will be repercussions from last night's fracas at the Genoa Town Board meeting room. The fight broke out after a long Candy Dance meeting and the Sheriff's deputies were called. So that the longer-term news doesn't get completely lost, Candy Dance won't be accepting buy-sell vendors this year, the dance will remain on the Saturday night of the faire, and there will be negotiations to bring the outside festivals in under the town's permit.

There are meetings tonight of the Minden Town Board and the Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District. Minden's working to try and keep town secretary Sheila Byington in the face of the state's Public Employee Benefit System's insurance issues starting at 6 p.m. Ranchos board members also meet at 6 p.m. and are talking about the Mitch Drive Park, an annexation agreement and sending attorney Mike Rowe to court in connection with a decision by the State Engineer.

Keep an eye on the horizon today as thunderstorms are expected to puff up after 11 a.m. The chance of precipitation is only 30 percent, according to the National Weather Service, but a little dry lighting can do a lot of damage.


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