Group keeps children's interests top priority


The second annual state conference for Court Appointed Special Advocates was held last week at the Carson Valley Inn. CASAs are appointed by judges to provide a voice to children who are either victims of abuse or involved in custody situations in divorce cases. These volunteers investigate all sides of the issue, interviewing all parties involved, and provide a non-biased report to the judge at each hearing. The best interests of the child is the priority of the CASA. They work long hours following leads, reading court documents, and talking to everyone involved to provide the most accurate information to the judge.

We began the conference on the lawn of the legislature in Carson City with a vigil to bring awareness to National Child Abuse Prevention which is being recognized this month. Carole Thompson from the Carson City CASAs recruited children from the Carson City Boys & Girls Club to sing for us. They held candles as they sang "Don't puff out this little light of hope" to the tune of "This Little Light of Mine." The children and the idea made such a hit that there are plans to have a Choir of Hope for the message to prevent child abuse to go around the community. Carole said they are learning other songs such as "Free to Be You and Me" as well as songs from the Up with People project.

Last January Carole was part of Cowboy Inc. whose efforts were to bring cowboy poetry to a younger generation interested in writing about life in their community from their experiences. A group of 15 boys who came to the readings asked Carole if she would help them polish their writing skills. These young men are survivors of abuse and neglect yet their poems are rich in emotion and speak about hope and encouragement. As we listened to them either recite or sing their art, there wasn't a dry eye at our table. These kids have endured horrific treatment or circumstances but have transformed their pain into works of art. They are in the process of making a CD so they can share their messages with everyone. I predict we will be hearing their music on the radio in the near future.

The Ruhenstroth Volunteer Fire Department's annual Bar-B-Q, also known as the biggest block party in the neighborhood, is July 11 this year. They will have a DJ for music and dancing as well as many items for silent auction or raffle. Mark your calendars for a fun evening of food and games for the entire family.

Have a ramblin' good week!

Reach Gail Davis at 265-1947 or



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