Remember When for Aug. 5

95 years ago

Aug. 7, 1914

At a session of the District Court held at Genoa, Judge Langan pronounced sentence upon Edward Delaney, who was found guilty of an assault with intent to kill. Defendant was sentenced to serve a term of not less than five years nor more than eight years in the Nevada State penitentiary. The story told on the stand by Delaney of killing a man at San Mateo for no other reason than that of wearing a fraternal pin on his coat, proved to be the truth.

80 years ago

Aug. 9, 1929

A note found in a floating mayonnaise bottle at Elks Point last Friday was considered as a possible clue to the identity of the body found in the shallow water of the lake at Glenbrook. The note was picked up by Reubell Fricke while he was strolling along the beach. The writing was in pencil and read: "April 7, 1929. Goodbye cruel world. Life too much of a grind. Don't bother to look for me as no one will care. Tell Mabel she is free now. Tom T.E.K."

50 years ago

Aug. 6, 1959

Summer is waning. School opens in just one month. Gene L. Scarselli, Douglas County superintendent of schools, announced regular classes will commence Sept. 9. As a result of an additional class period, the high school will be able to offer new courses: Debate and Speech, Latin II, French II, Physics, General Business, Wood Working, Driver Training, Arts and Crafts. More hours of physical education ad health will be required this year.

25 years ago

Aug. 2, 1984

Photo caption. Flash flood. A heavy downpour of rain last week caused flash flooding in many parts of Carson Valley. Muddy water sweeps over Pinenut Road near Jewel Circle. By the time the water had reached the Spotts' property it was estimated to be a foot deep in some places.

10 years ago

Aug. 4, 1999

George Whittell High School, Kingsbury Middle School and Zephyr Cove Elementary, which account for one-quarter of the schools in the Douglas County School District, will receive more than half of the district's $2.2 million capital improvement budget.

"The Lake has three of our five oldest schools," said Rick Kester, DCSD director of business services. "I know the Lake and Valley is a political issue, but (the school district) doesn't look at it that way - they're just buildings that need improvements."

A look at past issues of The Record-Courier by Sharlene Irete.


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