So you think you are funny?

Staff Reports

Develop your sense of humor at a six-week stand-up comedy workshop taught by Kat Simmons, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays beginning Sept. 3 at the Unity Center, 1219 S. Carson St. in Carson City.

Carson Valley resident Simmons has been a professional comic for 22 years and has been teaching for 15. She hosted and produced her own show at the Carson Valley Inn for 15 years.

This class could be for those who want to improve public speaking skills, build self-confidence or who want to give comedy a shot on-stage. There will be a showcase, open to the public, at the end of the class where the students are the stars. Class size is limited to 10. The class fee of $250 includes a DVD of the performance. Reserve your spot and make a $50 deposit by Aug. 26 by contacting Simmons at (775) 721-8864.


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