Former Carson school board member receives sentence

A former Carson City school board member arrested for being intoxicated while on probation for DUI must serve weekends in jail during the next 12 weeks to satisfy a sentence of 25 days behind bars.

During a hearing Wednesday morning, Joe Enge did not elaborate on the circumstances that led up to his arrest earlier this month, but told Judge John Tatro, "It's not an excuse, but let's just say it was a highly personal and stressful situation."

Enge was arrested Aug. 6 after a 1 a.m. report of a domestic dispute at his east Carson City home.

According to court records, before police arrived, Enge had left his home to drive to his father's house.

There, he was found to have a blood alcohol content of .173, in violation of a court order handed down in March for a January drunken driving conviction. At the DUI sentencing, Enge also was given a suspended sentence of 179 days in jail.

Wednesday, Tatro revoked Enge's bail for 30 days, giving him credit for serving five days after his arrest.

"Today it may not feel like you're getting a break, but I could revoke the whole 179 days," said Tatro. "You need to understand if you violate again most likely you will be doing the balance."

Enge will begin serving his sentence at 4 p.m. Friday.

Tatro also extended Enge's probation for a year and ordered him to undergo intensive outpatient treatment for alcoholism, as suggested by a substance abuse counselor who evaluated the former high school history teacher.

Enge declined comment following Wednesday's hearing.

A controversial figure as a teacher at the high school, and again as a member of the school board, Enge refused to resign after his DUI arrest in January. On Aug. 6, however, he signed a letter of resignation while in custody at the jail.


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