Inform the people


I have watched the news shows on both the left and the right side with fascination. I have listened to the people from both sides comment about what is going on with the health care reform," and I have to say that I am appalled at the ignorance and the arrogance being shown from both.

I have listened with amazement to the right screaming about the "death squads" for the elderly, or anyone else that the government sees fit to eliminate from the ledgers. I have listened to the left blather on about how "we have a right to health care" when in fact this is a want, not a right.

I have watched our president, who in his apparent zeal to make his mark, has forgotten his promises of "transparency" and "no pork-laden bills" among other things, while he tries to pass bills into law that are not even being read.

I have watched elected members of Congress call the citizens of this country "un-American swastika carrying disruptors" that need to be ignored, while hiring a speed reader to read the bills for them, apparently in an effort to show how ridiculous the complaint from the people was about them not reading the bill before passing it.

It seems to me that if the fine upstanding members of Congress had kept the people informed, and had actually looked at solving the problems of waste, fraud, greed and corruption that currently exists in the health care system, we wouldn't be in the mess that we are in.

The people have been treated like fools and with disrespect, and I would think that at this point the best course of action would be to apologize to the American people, start over and find the right path. However, I believe that the 536 royals and their minions will continue treating us like stupid, ignorant sheep and plow forward without a second thought as to the damage they are causing this country.

God bless America.

Chris Weatherbee



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