Carson Valley secondary schools open

Taylor Woodman was looking for a spoon Monday morning when he arrived for the first day of class at Douglas High School

Carrying an open can of Spam, Woodman, 17, was greeted by Ciara Patton, who said she was looking forward to seeing her friends.

Woodman called his Spam and black coffee the "Breakfast of Champions" as Patton wrinkled her nose.

She ran cross country last year, but the junior said she's going to try out for basketball.

Woodman, who wrestled for three years, is participating in the high school's Jr. Reserve Officer Training Corps this year.

He said he's looking forward to getting an education. He wants to learn welding and to buy a ranch.

Gardnerville resident David Harris, 17, was listening to the Canadian band Three Days Grace.

He said he's looking forward to ROTC, which is his favorite class.

"I'm thinking about joining the Air Force," he said.

Principal Marty Swisher was wearing his black and orange striped tie in honor of the school colors.

He estimated Douglas High will have a population of 1,380 students, above the projected enrollment for the year.

The school lost a few teachers to budget cuts, but is hiring a special education teacher to replace one lost over the summer.

"I'm looking forward to a great year," he said. "Douglas' real strength is in its students, parents and staff, and I'm excited to be learning together."

Class started at Douglas' secondary schools, including Sierra Crest Academy, Pau-Wa-Lu Middle School and Carson Valley Middle School. Elementary school started last week.

School zones are in effect in the vicinity of schools, including Highway 88 in front of Douglas High School and Highway 395 at Carson Valley Middle School.


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