Young At Heart membership open

Staff Reports

The annual membership drive for the Young At Heart Senior Citizens Club is in full swing. As you enter the Douglas County Senior Center, be on the lookout for Annie Smutnak. She is on the lookout for returning members as well as new recruits. In 2009, Annie's efforts helped bring Young At Heart's membership up to a record 404. This year's goal is to make it to 500.

Annual dues are only $3, and membership is open to anyone age 55 or older. Funds raised by Young At Heart are used throughout the year for various projects including: gift bags for the Holidays, repairs and upkeep at the Senior Center, fundraising for a new center, and many events throughout the community.

If you would like to join Young At Heart, come on down to the Douglas County Senior Center. Annie will be here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings through January, or you can join Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to noon at the Young at Heart gift shop in the senior center lobby.

This year Annie can even be found at the 11th Annual Senior Health Fair which is coming on Jan. 27. The Health Fair will be held in the Shannon Ballroom at the Carson Valley Inn from 9am-2pm. This year, we are pleased to be able to offer lab work in conjunction with Carson Valley Medical for a small fee payable the day of the fair. Come on down to find out about local services and health care providers. This event is free and open to the public.

Information at the senior center, 783-6455.


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