'Why Catholic?' offers faith formation, renewal

For many adult Catholics, formal religious education ended in school or with the sacrament of confirmation. But church officials have realized in the past few years that the yearn to learn did not stop there.

St. Gall Catholic Church in Gardnerville is one of 24 parishes in the Diocese of Reno to implement the "Why Catholic?" faith formation program in the fall.

"Why Catholic is a renewal of mind and what the church teaches on modern issues, for instance euthanasia and other moral issues," said Father Paul McCollum, St. Gall pastor.

"Many Catholics don't have the tools to face these issues. A lot of people won't broach the subject of their own faith. They don't feel well-enough versed," McCollum said.

"The goal is to become Catholics better-equipped in our own tradition and proud of it," McCollum said.

Parishioner Kay McHale, program coordinator for St. Gall, said many Catholics her age never went beyond the church's Baltimore Catechism, the standard Catholic school text in the United States from 1885 to the late 1960s.

"Why Catholic" is a simple way for somebody to come back to the church who doesn't know how, to see what our faith has done," McHale said.

A 13-member core team of parishioners has been meeting for the past few months in anticipation of sign-ups Aug. 29-30. Volunteers also are being trained to facilitate the groups of participants who will meet for six weeks in the fall and six weeks in the spring.

The program focuses around four pillars of the Catholic faith: what Catholics believe; sacraments of the church; walking with God; and Christian prayer.

The groups spend a year on each pillar.

McHale said facilitators emphasize making participants feel welcome.

"Participants don't have to speak or answer questions if they don't want to," she said. "We want them to be comfortable and just come, listen, and find assurance they won't be judged."

"What it is not is group therapy or counseling," McCollum said.

The program is open to any adult - Catholic or non-Catholic.

"I hope people will come who are searching, strengthening their faith, suffering, or switching. They will find this might address some of their needs," McCollum said. "The meaning and purpose of their faith will lead them to it."

He said groups are designed to meet the needs of participants. There will be a variety of times and locations with groups meeting in private homes or at the church.

There is a small charge for materials, but McCollum said scholarships would be offered. Sessions also will be offered in Spanish.

"It boils down to adult Catholics hungry for more instruction in their faith, and better instruction so they can confront challenges in their own lives and speak better as Catholics," he said.


Signups for "Why Catholic?" will be Aug. 29-30 at St. Gall Catholic Church, 1343 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville. Information, 782-2852.


St. Gall Catholic Church


The Diocese of Reno



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