Trigg quits run for Congress

A letter is being distributed among Douglas County Democrats announcing Cindy Trigg is ending her campaign for Congress.

Democratic Party Chairman Paul Belt confirmed the letter is from Trigg.

"As of today, I am ending my campaign for Congress," Trigg wrote. "This decision came after a sudden series of unforeseen professional obligations that required and will continue to require more of my attention than a campaign for Congress will allow. As long as I sit on the School Board

Trustees, school board responsibilities are my priority, issues affecting our children in Douglas County, advocating for our parents will continue to be and always be my first priority."

Trigg, who had to deal with a foreclosure early in her campaign, was also named in an open meeting law complaint in connection with her handling of the evaluation of Superintendent Carol Lark.

She announced her candidacy earlier this year. She said she still felt a Democrat could unseat Rep. Dean Heller, R-Nev., even though Nevada's second congressional district has a Republican majority.


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