School Board should wake up


All the controversy surrounding school superintendent Carol Lark should be evidence enough that the school district, from the top down, is in trouble. Despite having three years to build relationships, 76 percent of Lark's administrators don't support her and the majority of the clerical staff at the district office don't want her contract extended. These are bothersome revelations that some members of the school board have chosen to sweep under the rug.

The fact that the majority of the school board still supports Lark leads one to think that there is something bigger at work here. Could it be that Lark is seen by these board members as a weak follower as opposed to a strong leader? It certainly makes it easier to get approval on pet projects when you have a superintendent who will cave in to the slightest amount of pressure. These board members aren't concerned about a lame duck superintendent, they're worried about losing their power base. How pathetic.

The mantra they want what's best for kids is just overused rhetoric. Don't be fooled by it. Favoritism, pet projects and internal strife are not what's best for the students of the Douglas County School District. A strong superintendent, along with an objective and trustworthy board of trustees, is what is needed for students and what this community should stand up and demand.

Bob Thomas



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