Still time to vote for Megan's top 10 recipe

You have until 8:59 p.m. today to vote for Megan Crandall's "Peaches and Cream Oatmeal Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich," one of 10 semifinalists in the Quaker Oats Viewer Quickfire Challenge Contest.

If Crandall is one of three finalists, she will be eligible to win a trip to New York for filming a segment on Bravo.

Crandall, 24, a 2002 graduate of Douglas High School and the daughter of Terri and Gerry Crandall.

She and her mother love to cook and came up with the original recipe after learning about the contest.

Crandall, who has Down syndrome, has been active in the Special Olympics and works two days a week as an aide at Minden Montessori.

"She doesn't let too many things get in her way," Terri Crandall said.

If Megan's recipe makes it to the finals, officials told her mother she could assist in the kitchen.

"We made up the recipe together," Terri Crandall said. "I never, ever dreamed we would get this far."

To vote for Crandall's recipe log on:


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