Two businesses worthy of kudos


Two businesses both worthy of kudos. First is Sunflower Learning Center located in Gardnerville. It has been our pleasure and privilege to have our 4-year-old daughter attend this outstanding daycare center for the past two years. It is a nourishing environment where children thrive under a caring and dedicated staff.

Each child receives special attention and as such they blossom under a carefully guided curriculum along with just the right dose of loving attention. If you are in looking for a daycare center where your child would fit into a wonderful blend of committed staff and happy, enthused, and motivated kids I would highly recommend stopping by for a visit. That is exactly what we did two years and are thrilled we made the right choice.

The second business is new, Colonial Bank at the south end of Gardnerville. If you have not driven by, do so and take a peek. They have done a commendable job of creating a building and grounds that show respect for the town they are located in. From the design of the building, to the signage, to the landscaping here is a business that clearly shows it wants to be a part of the community.

Too many times business think that bigger and brighter is the way to go. Numerous studies have shown that, in fact, businesses that choose the low key approach to design and layout often attract more customers. I am already pleased with the bank I currently belong to, but if for some reason I were to switch, I would consider Colonial Bank in a heartbeat. Two businesses. Both worthy of kudos.

Doug Odell



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