On the brink of bankruptcy


I am sick and tired of the Democrat objections to Republican criticisms of Obama, Reid and Pelosi " the Democrat triumvirate.

The Democrats jumped all over the Bush administration using many derogatory names and accusations.

Now the Democrat triumvirate has total control and Republicans are criticizing them " the Dems are hypocritically mad. Wasn't it a Democrat who said: "If you can't stand the heat of the kitchen, then get out?"

The Democrat triumvirate is pushing this country into bankruptcy with their drunken wild spending.

They are throwing money around so fast they can't even read the legislation to consider the ramifications " accounting, huge bonuses to failures and lavish parties, etc.

Who will pay the interest on this gigantic debt? They're throwing away our future generations' money. (Remember the Democrats created the sub-prime mortgages at the root of this economic mess.)

The next steps are to devalue the dollar and hike taxes through the roof. Hang onto your wallets folks.

Democrats are expanding the national debt exponentially to the point of bankruptcy " and they want Republicans to help and be a part of that? No thanks.

Stuart L. Posselt



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