Trash truck survives fire

A Douglas Disposal garbage truck was scorched but otherwise unharmed when hot ashes set its load on fire Tuesday morning.

The truck crew called in a fire at about 10 a.m. and East Fork firefighters from Station 6 and 12 responded, according to Fire Investigator Terry Taylor.

"One of their new trucks pulled in across from the fire station," he said. "Douglas Disposal sent over a backhoe and we spread the garbage out and wetted it down."

Taylor said the truck had some scorching to the outside and the paint.

"We had a crew of five from Douglas Disposal helping us," he said.

The truck should be back in service after a safety inspection.

Taylor warned residents not to throw away ashes before they've given them lots of time to cool down.

"You need to let the ashes sit for at least nine days," Taylor said. "It's been cold at night and a lot of people are burning. If you put the ashes in a metal container for nine days it will not start a fire. If you only wait eight days, it will, because we tested it."


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