Virtual academy an important resource


Thank you for publishing Mike Kazek's guest editorial about the Nevada Virtual Academy charter public school. It's important that Douglas County parents know they do have options, especially now with all of the proposed budgetary changes for our local school district.

I transferred my son from a local elementary school to Nevada Virtual Academy after he suffered incessant teasing from classmates. Another reason that I transferred him was because of the impending loss of the pull-out gifted and talented program in our district.

My son is now learning much more than he did in a traditional school, and I am more informed about his education. I encourage other parents who can be at home with their children during the day to explore Nevada Virtual Academy. The school is free and sends students a computer, books, and other supplies (such as science lab materials) to use throughout their enrollment. My son meets weekly with his teacher and fellow classmates online by way of Web conference. There are also local field trips and social events to enjoy. When it's time to take standardized state tests, the students do so in person at various Northern Nevada locations, such as the public library in Carson City.

To find out more, parents can go to

Theresa Danna



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