Motorcycle track hard on animals


I am adamantly opposed to locating the proposed "temporary" motocross track adjacent to the animal shelter. Even if it were to actually be "temporary," the damage to the shelter animals during just one trial season could be devastating.

The shelter's ability to maintain an environment that is sanitary and supportive of emotional and physical health has already been seriously impacted by the loss of staff and the cutting of hours of operation. The animals are without human contact and care for longer hours than ever.

So many tragedies can happen during these "alone" times. If you had ever arrived at the shelter in the morning to see a cat covered in blood hanging limply from it's arm that is jammed in a hinge, or a dog scraped and bloody " having even pulled out her own claws in a frenzy of fear from the noise of a thunderstorm, you would never consider the location you have chosen for the motocross track.

Noise is incredibly stressful to shelter animals " and can even be physically damaging. The creation of a "berm and straw bales" to mitigate noise would be about as effective as giving jet engine mechanics ear muffs. Consider an average value of 120 dB for a motorbike. Then consider that damage can be done to the human ear after only 15 minutes exposure to 100 dB. And finally, consider the widely expanded hearing range of dogs and cats compared to humans.

Think about the damage " both physical and emotional " that the noise of just one race could inflict. Then multiply that by many races, non-race practice runs nearer the shelter, night noises of campers, and so on. It is unacceptable.

I implore the county to find another site for the track. It is the human thing to do.

Tina Dillion



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