Meeting Monday to discuss open space preservation

A community kickoff meeting is 6 p.m. Monday to introduce residents to the Ranching and Nevada Cultural Heritage Act land bill proposed to protect Carson Valley's land and historic agricultural operations.

The two-hour informational meeting at the CVIC Hall in Minden is open to the public and is to introduce the community to the land bill process.

Facilitated by Jacques and Dominique Etchegoyhen of Terra Firma Associates of Minden, attendees will be invited to discuss what public land is most important to the quality of life in Douglas County and identify important viewsheds, buffer zones and private properties.

Officials will discuss the land bill process and why the county is embarking on the RANCH Act.

According to the Etchegoyhens, Monday's meeting should be attended by "anyone who wants to learn about the land bill process."

Public input will be taken over the next few months.

Attendees are asked to call Terra Firma at 782-0848 to make reservations for the meeting. That's to insure enough handout material is available.


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