Drunk driving earns prison term

A 36-year-old Gardnerville man who spit on deputies as they were arresting him for drunk driving was sentenced Monday to four years in prison.

District Judge Michael Gibbons told Wilson Honsberger he must serve 13 months before he is eligible for parole.

Gibbons said he handed down a longer sentence because of the "aggravating circumstances" of Honsberger's arrest. His blood-alcohol content was .23, nearly three times of legal limit of .08 for driving in Nevada.

"It was totally inexcusable even though you were drunk. You spit in the officer's face," Gibbons said.

He denied Honsberger's request to participate in a diversion program for third-time offenders that would keep him out of prison.

"With your lengthy record, I don't think you would make it," Gibbons said. "You have to stay away from drugs and alcohol. They get you in trouble."

Honsberger said he sent apologies to the officers involved.

"I'm sorry. I knew it was wrong and I did it anyway," Honsberger said.

He told the judge the birth of his daughter had changed his life for the better.

He gave Honsberger credit for 66 days in custody and fined him $2,000.


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