Mom: Girl traumatized by dog attack

East Fork Justice Jim EnEarl set a restitution hearing Nov. 6 for a Gardnerville Ranchos man whose dog bit a 6-year-old girl causing medical bills in excess of $4,000.

Jason Taylor, 27, was charged with not properly restraining the Rottweiler that bit the girl who was at Topaz Lake Park with her family July 3.

She received nine staples in the back of her head, five stitches in her lip and four stitches near an eye. She was treated at Carson Valley Medical Center.

A family member picked up the dog after the incident. Taylor told deputies he didn't witness what happened, but said the dog had been tied to a tree with a long rope for the day.

The victim's mother, Stephanie Hess, testified Wednesday that the little girl had been traumatized by the attack.

"She has nightmares," Hess said. "She wakes up screaming that the dog is attacking her."

Hess said her daughter became frightened of dogs because of the incident and was in therapy.

Taylor said he had adopted the dog from the Douglas County shelter.

"Besides what happened, he's a great dog," Taylor said.

With the severity of the July 3 incident, he said it had been impossible to place the dog at a different home.

"We did consider putting the dog down, but I'm not into hurting or killing dogs," he said.

"Well, there's a 6-year-old little girl sitting back there who doesn't think he's such a great dog," EnEarl said.

Taylor said the dog was kept in the house, muzzled on a leash or in a 6-foot-by-6-foot kennel.

Hess said her insurance had been canceled since the incident and she owed $4,032 in medical bills.

"They're coming after me and I don't see myself able to pay that," she said.

EnEarl advised Taylor to come to the restitution hearing with partial payment.

"Bring a chunk of money," EnEarl said. "I know times are tough."

EnEarl fined Taylor $1,132 which he suspended on the condition there are no more violations which could result in the dog being destroyed.


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