Governor appoints attorney to sue over health care

Gov. Jim Gibbons signed executive order naming Las Vegas attorney Mark Hutchison of the law firm of Hutchison & Steffen as special legal counsel to the governor to sue the federal government over the new health care bill.

"This health care nationalization plan is illegal because it is unconstitutional," Gibbons said, "The arrogance of this administration to force all Nevadans to purchase something (health insurance from private companies) or face IRS penalties is outrageous and wrong."

Gibbons said parts of the Nationalized Health Care Plan have merit and are worth keeping.

"Every Nevada citizen deserves access to quality healthcare, but this plan is the wrong approach and will not work," he said.

Gibbons says the plan will cost Nevada workers and families about $2.4 billion dollars, including almost $600-million from state taxes, and $1.8 billion in federal taxes.

Late this month, the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services will ask the legislature's Interim Finance Committee for $500,000 to start pre-planning for the impacts of the new law. The Nevada is already in a deep financial crisis.

Nevada will join the legal action started by Florida and more than a dozen other states. The lawyers working on this matter on behalf of the Governor and the citizens of Nevada have agreed to work for the good of the public without compensation.

"I was disappointed that the Attorney General of Nevada refused to fight for the constitutional rights of Nevada citizens," Gibbons said, "But I refuse to surrender on this issue, we must not allow the federal government to intrude into the lives of Nevadans this way."

There may be some small costs associated with the litigation (under $5000), but Gibbons believes that the devastating impact of $600-million dollars in new state expenses for Nevada taxpayers is worth the small price of fighting the Nationalized Healthcare Law.

"I swore an oath to protect the citizens of Nevada and I will not quit because the odds are against us, I intend to win this battle and get Congress to repeal Nationalized Health Care," Gibbons added, "The best way to get someone good health insurance is to get them a good job, Congress has wasted thousands of hours and is squandering almost a trillion dollars on nationalizing health care, when they should be focused on creating jobs and fixing the economy."


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