Get real Nevada


Let's get wise Nevada. Nevada's election is coming up. Harry Reid unfortunately "pretends" to represent the state of Nevada. Now in his defense he has done some good things for Nevada, but not enough. He is at an all-time low. Here's where the tricky part is with so many people running against him he has a chance of being re-elected. No body wants that. At least not in Nevada. So my suggestion is if you are a Republican, TEA party or an Independent unite behind just one candidate to get rid of Harry Reid whether it is a Republican, TEA or Independent in that manner we can assure we will get rid of Reid once and for all.

I don't think this will happen and I'm afraid Reid will be coming back and we will be at square one again. People need to just bite the bullet and look at things for the greater good. Yes it's not the candidate you wanted, but do you really want the one in there to stay?

We need to remind them what it is to be a congressman. They are elected to represent the American people. They tend to forget they are only civil servants.

It has been said many times, by many people it's time to send everyone packing. With Congress being at an 18 percent approval rating I see it as likely it may happen, but people have brain farts way too often when they go to the ballot box. They vote on the color of a person's skin, is the person looking cool, or my all time favorite what instrument they play. Let's not vote on what they are; let's vote on what they can do for us, the American people.

When our representatives are sworn in they take an oath to protect the constitution so maybe we should start seeing if the candidates actually know what's in the constitution. Contrary to popular belief it is not an historical document; it is a living document and we need to start believing it.

When it comes time to go to the ballot think real hard about your choices. Now is the time that America needs true people to represent her that hold the same values as any hard working American does. Hopefully through this we can get some good representation whether it be Democrat or Republican.

Cory Baird



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