Ihre papiere, bitte?


The "illegally" overrun state of Arizona is now being accused by our "no border" advocates (progressives) of re-creating the Third Reich unconditional demand of "papiere bitte." This propaganda drivel is designed to inflame the ignorami and the agendized.

Since 1940 US law has required that immigrants carry "green cards" on their person and produce them on request You may have noticed that you have to produce your driving license to drive, fly, rent a hotel room, cash a check, buy liquor, etc. You have to produce your Social Security number for a variety of reasons. The only time you may not have to produce validated ID is to vote. Who could have legislated that? Why was it so easy to answer the question?

The Arizona law specifically states that one may not be challenged arbitrarily on the basis of profile. If, on the other hand, you have broken the law an identity question may follow. Perfectly reasonable. Who would mind proving their identity?

Dick Witzig



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