Tree poisonings


We noticed an article in your July 30 newspaper about Karen Rosson, a Gardnerville Ranchos resident, whose trees were dying due to spraying of a poison by the name of Krovar used by Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District to kill weeds in the common area (green space). We too have had issues, and notified Bob Spellberg as far back as April 2009. We have had no cooperation, and only a drive-by inspection of our duplex at 750 Robin in the Gardnerville Ranchos. Our property is adjacent to the common space. To date, we have lost two trees, and another one is dying. Two more bushes are dying, and about 6 inches of lawn all along the fence adjacent to the common area is dead.

The poison that the improvement district used is activated by water, be it rain, snow or sprinklers. It continues to kill for about 18 months. We were shocked to find out that this type of poison was used so close to residential areas, where landscaping is prevalent. Having had a friend who had a pest control business, we are familiar with the need for licensing/certification when someone sprays poison on the ground, and question whether or not the district employees were licensed or certified to use such a strong and caustic poison. It is one thing to spray to prevent weeds from germinating, and another entirely to spray a poison that will kill everything that has roots which will receive water near the spraying of the poison.

District needs to step up to the plate and take responsibility for the landscaping that they have killed and pay to have those items that were killed or damaged replaced.

To date, we feel that we have been ignored by district. We have placed several calls over the past year plus, and have just recently been notified that there might be an agenda item on their next board meeting. We will be there.

Having lived here for nearly 22 years, we are saddened by the lack of concern and consideration that the district has demonstrated thus far.

Bruce and Carol Brundige

Gardnerville Ranchos


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