Kudos Thanks to the community


This past month has been a little more difficult in some ways to provide the generous amounts of food we like to give our clients. As you can see, donations are down somewhat as we wade the doldrums of summer. If you have a garden producing more than you can eat, can, or freeze, please give us a call or just bring it on down to help those in need. We so appreciate your help.

Food donations received in July (in pounds): Douglas County Public Library (120), Target Store (355), Christ Presbyterian Church (64), St. Gall Catholic Church (243), Austin's House (56).

As always, we so thank those who prefer to remain anonymous as well as Raley's, Smith's, Scolari's, Walmart, Costco, Shell Country Store, and Gourmet Bakery.

Cash donations were received from David and Kathleen Hussman, Virginia Crait, David and Tina Tubrisly, Coventry Cross Episcopal Church, Thomas and Alexandra Peters, Jane and Elizabeth Williams, Trinity Lutheran Church, Karintha Karwaska, Oxoby Mobile Home Park, Michael Edling a gift for Richard Edling, Carson Valley Medical Center, and customers and employees of Raley's, Smith's and Scolari's.

If you have foods to donate, please call Kathy at 782-3711 to arrange a time or just stop by the Carson Valley Community Food Closet at 1255 Waterloo, Gardnerville while we're open from noon to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, to drop off whatever you can help with donate. Thanks again.

Donna Coker

Carson Valley Community Food Closet volunteer


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