Stateline casinos gaming win ends lower

Stateline casinos continued to run well behind last year in their total gaming win for the month of December.

The casinos, which are Douglas County's main source of gaming taxes, posted a 11.28 percent decrease compared to December 2008.

In all the clubs raked in $15.3 million during the month, short of the $17.26 million from the same month last year. The take decreased from November 2009, when the casinos won $15.8 million.

Carson Valley and Carson City casinos posted the highest percentage increase in gaming win in the state, with $8.12 million, up 8.52 percent from December 2008. The Carson Valley area includes all casinos in the capital and those in Douglas County outside of the Lake Tahoe basin. There was also a substantial increase over November 2009.

Statewide, casinos reported a total win that was 3.24 percent short of December 2008. For the fiscal year so far, the state gaming win has decreased 7.16 percent.


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