Walker Senior Center is hopping with activity

The Walker Senior Center has really gotten on a roll. There are a lot of activities planned, with some already having started. They have a monthly crafts get-together, are getting bingo equipment for regular gatherings, have monthly birthday parties, and holiday lunches. In addition, on this Thursday, there will be a breakfast at the center.

For information on these or to suggest any other activities, call Sandi at (530) 495-2323. The Valentine's lunch party held last Friday brought almost 40 people to the center for lunch, meeting with friends, and Valentine's gifts. It was a really fun time for all.

Vaccinations still available

Tuesday, Feb. 23, 12:30-1:30 p.m., Mono Health Nurse Carolyn will be back with vaccinations for those needing them. If you need a particular one, besides the flu vaccines, let Sandi at the Walker Senior Center know, so she can let Carolyn know.

Special movie shown

Thursday, Feb. 25, 1 p.m., the local Friends of the Library, in cooperation with the Antelope Valley Women's Club, will be sponsoring the free showing of a great movie at the Coleville Library.

The movie is "The Other Side of the Mountain," which is an inspirational and uplifting movie about Jill Kinmont Boothe, an Olympic class skier, who was severely injured in a skiing accident just prior to the Olympics.

Having known her story since it happened, I can guarantee that you will really enjoy this one. The public is invited and encouraged to come, at no charge, with refreshments being served.

Lions Club Speakers Contest

The district Lions Club Speakers Contest elimination round took place Feb. 8, with last year's winner, Andrew Oliveira, taking home first place again. This young man is an awesome speaker, as well as being very prepared to discuss the topic "Universal Health Care, How Will It Affect Us?"

The zone contest will be held Monday, March 1, with Andrew facing the winner of the Mammoth Lakes area. If you want to be impressed by their knowledge and learn more about the topic, come to the Walker Community Building that evening before 7 p.m. You must be there before 7, as the rules are that the doors must be locked, with no interruption during the contest.

It should be quite educational for all of us, since we are all affected by the health care issue.

Lynne Katusich can be reached at lynnekat@schat.net or (530) 495-2552.


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