Celiac disease discussed at library

Staff Reports

Dr. Hong Gao from GI Consultants gives a lecture on "Celiac Disease: A Common Disease with Multi-System Manifestations," 2:30-4 p.m. Jan 23, at the Douglas County Public Library meeting room in Minden.

Gao discusses the epidemiology, symptoms, diagnosis, complications and treatment of the disease, and answers questions. The event is hosted by the celiac disease support group Gluten Free Diners.

Celiac disease is a common hereditary auto-immune disease where the small intestine is damaged when exposed to gluten in the diet, reducing its ability to absorb nutrients properly, creating a variety of health problems. Celiac disease is now believed to affect one of every 133 people. Symptoms vary and may be mild to severe including irritable bowel syndrome, dyspepsia, diarrhea, anemia, vitamin D deficiency, osteoporosis.

Gao is a gastroenterologist at GI Consultants in Carson City and is also a doctor of public health. She became interested in celiac disease during her training at Yale University and has been involved in patient education of celiac disease over the last several years.

Information, Vicki Bates at vrbates@charter.net or 265-6827.


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