Friends of the Library reception Jan. 30

Staff Reports

MINDEN, Nev. Do you love your library and want to help promote library programs for people of all ages? If so, bring a friend or two and join the officers and board of trustees of the Friends of the Douglas County Library at the annual membership reception, 11 a.m. to noon Jan. 30 at 1625 Library Lane, Minden.

During the reception there will be the election of officers, an overview of the past year by the library director and time to ask questions and brainstorm ideas for the coming year. There will be the opportunity to mingle and talk with Friends of the Library officers, board members, and other library supporters.

Refreshments will be served and door prizes awarded. The event is hosted annually by the Friends to thank members for their support, and to encourage new members to join the group.

"Library services continue to expand into new areas and budgets have been cut. We would like to increase our membership so we can provide even more support in the coming year," said board president Linda Class.

Traditionally, Friends of the Library has stepped in to help with unexpected needs and to help stretch the library budget. The group supports library programs for preschoolers, teens, adults and seniors.

Information, or 782-9841.


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