Time to get to work, says Sen.-elect Brown

BOSTON - Republican Scott Brown, fresh from his stunning Massachusetts Senate victory, said Wednesday his election that shook the power balance on Capitol Hill had sent a "very powerful message."

Brown told reporters he wants to get to work as soon as possible and "I think it's important that we hit the ground running."

His triumph for the seat long held by Sen. Edward Kennedy was a devastating Democratic defeat that triggered soul-searching within President Barack Obama's party over how to stem further losses in November's midterm elections.

But, Brown said, "Game's over. Let's get to work."

He said he planned to visit Washington on Thursday as a courtesy call, suggesting he did not expect to be sworn in that quickly. But he indicated he expected no big delay before taking office.

And, he said, while he planned to caucus with Republicans, "I'm not beholden to anybody."

He said, as he did during the campaign, that he did not see the race as a referendum on Obama's presidency or agenda.

Instead, he said, his victory sends "a very powerful message that business-as-usual is just not going to be the way we do it."


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