Time to wield the budget hatchet

With a special session of the Nevada Legislature expected to convene next month and every economic indicator known to man pointing into the dirt, Nevada education will be facing some serious financial challenges over the next year.

The Economic Forum meets today to look at the state revenues which have done nothing but head south since the Legislature adjourned in June.

Lawmakers were told last week that the governor expects the state budget to be $350-400 million short for the next two years.

With education making up 54 percent of the state budget, that is going to be a big chunk of change to cut.

When the Legislature adjourned last year, education didn't take quite the hit that was originally expected.

And higher education is facing similar challenges where an 8 percent reduction would be a cut of $53.3 million from the budget over the next two years.

The reality is that Nevadans are facing a serious crisis, and there is no easy way through it.

Costs throughout government are going to have to be slashed, including eduction. Those cuts are going to be painful, but lawmakers must have the courage to look reality in the eye.

And we have to have the courage to recognize that as a community we may not have the means to support every thing we want.


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