A woman's kindness


On Jan. 14, I was accosted in the beautiful Minden Park a block from my home. I had been visiting this park daily for over a year-and-a-half. Many divergent peoples gathered there, from teen-aged rompers to elderly men with canes. Standing out in my mind now is the woman runner who, when witnessing the violent outburst of this man's voice and the subsequent physical attack he perpetrated upon me, kept on running, yelling out her disapproval to him.

"I'm calling the sheriff!" she screamed.

Her words stopped the intensity of the attack and provided me with a heartbeat I had not before felt. It said, "Save the dog first, then save yourself." And I did, but not before I dug in my heels and clenched my jaw, stating forcefully and loud, "Don't you dare touch me again!"

At this, my accoster backed up for a millisecond and I acted. It has been said that timing is everything, And for my dog and I, this was certainly true. We got away.

But what about this violent man? What will happen to him? Will he be allowed to go free to further harass me or others?

In pursuing a restraining order to be served to him I have thought about all the women and men who are or have been engaged in this kind of abuse. For me, it is over. For others, it goes on. What will it take for humans to realize that what they do to others they also do to themselves? What did it take for me to issue this forceful threat to him?

It seems I have finally realized that I must protect myself. That no one else at the park came over to "save" me. I did it with a little help from a passer-by, another woman.

To this young woman, I say "thank you." For your voice, your caring enough to not only witness this event but to register your "no." Your willingness to speak up and out for me gave me the courage to effectively assert my no, too.

Rage is like a cancer in the mind, growing with each thought of hate and blame. As for me, I choose to forgive.

Anyone who witnessed this incident is asked to contact the Douglas County Sheriff's Office in reference to case No. 105001425, under the name Elizabeth D. Joseph.

Elizabeth D. Joseph



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