Stabbing victim shows wounds in court

The victim of a stabbing at Lampe Park testified Friday that he got into a fistfight with his alleged assailant two weeks earlier because he believed the suspect was "messing around" with his wife.

Brandon Robertson, 26, of Markleeville, removed his shirt during a preliminary hearing in East Fork Justice Court to show the extent of stab wounds to his abdomen, chest and under his left arm.

He also had a long incision on his stomach which he said was the result of exploratory surgery to determine the extent of any internal injuries.

Robertson testified that suspect Brandon Brown, 20, of Dresslerville, stabbed him May 14 with a 3- to 5-inch knife.

"I heard the click after he pulled it (the knife) out of his pocket. I went to reach for my knife I had in my pocket. I didn't have enough time. He ran at me and started swinging the knife," Robertson said.

He said he tried to grab Brown's arm and he ended up on his back on the ground with the suspect on top of him.

"He was still swinging the knife and stabbing me in the left side, lower stomach and left arm across my chest. I was never able to get my knife out," Robertson said. "It seemed like forever before anybody came to break it up."

He said the stabbing left him bleeding and weak.

He was taken by CareFlight to Renown Regional Medical Center and spent five days in the Reno hospital.

One knife thrust penetrated his abdomen and a second punctured his lung.

Robertson said he still is in pain and taking medication. He has limited movement of his left arm and difficulty reaching or bending as well as shortness of breath.

Under questioning by defense attorney Tom Perkins, Robertson admitted he knew there might be a fight if he confronted Brown. He said the two fought at the Carson Colony two weeks before the incident in Lampe Park.

Robertson said he was at the park for a softball game and saw Brown.

He denied that his wife tried to talk him out of going to Lampe Park because they knew there would be a fight.

"I wanted to talk to him (Brown). I approached him and I threw up my arms and said, 'Hey. I want to talk to you' and ask him if what I was hearing was true about him and my wife."

He said Brown replied, 'Hold on,' and started to pull up his pants.

"He rushed me with his hands up, in fists, running toward me. I put my hands up. As he got close enough, we started throwing punches at each other," Robertson said.

That went on for a couple of minutes, then Brown pulled out a knife, according to Robertson.

"I put my knife in my pocket because Brandon Brown is known to carry a knife at all times," Robertson said.

Brown was charged with battery with a deadly weapon causing substantial bodily harm. He has been in Douglas County Jail on $10,500 bail.

East Fork Justice Jim EnEarl bound the case over to District Court and set the next hearing for Tuesday before Judge Dave Gamble.


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