Sheriff's posse receives horse trailer donation

The equine members of the Douglas County Sheriff's Mounted Posse are riding in style thanks to the donation of a two-horse trailer.

Terese Angwin, president of the Angwin Family Foundation, donated the trailer in memory of Belle and Yeller.

Posse president Jerry Palmer said it was "divine intervention" that led to the donation of the trailer, valued at $12,500.

"I was at the post office and Terese saw my vehicle with the posse designation. Terese approached me and said she would like to donate the trailer in honor of her horses who lived their lives well," Palmer said.

Angwin is the founder and president of her family's foundation located in Gardnerville.

Previously, she was instrumental in sponsoring "Douglas County Reads: 'Three Cups of Tea,'" providing free copies of the bestseller for a community-wide reading and discussion project.

Palmer said in addition to using the trailer for the posse, it would be available for large animal evacuations in a flood, fire, or other disasters.

He said the top-of-the-line trailer was in mint condition and was valued at about $12,500.

"We really appreciate your donation," Sheriff Ron Pierini told Angwin. "We will use it well."

Palmer said the Douglas County Sheriff's Mounted Posse is always recruiting new members.

"We have posse members aged 10 through 80," Palmer said. "Only half of them ride. We provide ground support for the sheriff's office and there are different jobs with and without horses."

The posse meets at 6 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month at the sheriff's office.

For information, contact Palmer at (775) 292-9058 or visit the Web site:


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