Play fair on gaming


In reply to the local business debate over the 100-room gaming ordinance, before the current owners took over Bodine's, they told gaming they were trying to get their gaming license before the ordinance was passed in Carson City.

Now the present owners of this very casinos are trying to keep the small businesses from doing exactly what they have already accomplished. In my opinion I think the county commissioners should reconsider projects like Hamdogs Restaurant, and grant them their tourist commercial application with gaming overlay, so they can compete on an even playing field. Hamdogs applications were approved by the town board of Gardnerville, the planning and zoning commission, and four of five county commissioners met with the owner of Hamdogs and verbally told him they thought it was a good idea and should pursue the zone change. All was good until the day of the commissioners meeting and one person in the audience stood up and commented negatively about their application, which ended in Hamdogs denial. It makes one wonder who is in charge of helping citizens and small businesses in Douglas County, is it the casino executives or is it the county commissioners who are voted in or out by the citizens of Douglas County.

Justeen Mills



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