Remembering Auntie M's


Recent events have renewed my interest in writing a book about the coffeehouse "Auntie M's" and all the wonderful relationships, extensive and exhaustive conversations and great characters. One such character, Jim Estabrook, passed in February of this year, as did a wonderful, sweet child named Ahmen. The coffeehouse was a gathering place, one where most felt safe enough to say anything they wanted, arguing was encouraged, leaving as friends was expected.

The roll of the coffeehouse, throughout Europe, the world, even Carson Valley has always been to foster communication, encourage discussion and set the tone of a community. I will always cherish those years (1991-98) as the most enjoyable and enriching of my life. I write this letter in the hopes you will send stories, anecdotes any and all memories to be included in the publication. All Auntie M groupies, please share memories and your favorite stories to be included in this endeavor. Mail to P.O. Box 535, Markleeville, CA 96120 or e-mail to: Thanking you.

Marsha 'Auntie M.' Bennett



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