Legislature backs away slowly

After six days of struggle, Nevada's leaders managed to patch together a budget using baling wire and chewing gum that might last until the next Legislative session.

Like a suitcase that might spring a lock at any moment the budget is balanced, sort of, for now.

But like any gambler who was on a streak and is now down on his luck, state government has rolled snake eyes the last couple of throws and is watching the bankroll dwindle rapidly.

Sure the mortgage is due and baby really does need a new pair of shoes, but our state leaders still keep rolling the dice hoping for sevens and elevens.

Nothing lawmakers did last week solves the long-term problems posed by declines in all three major sources of state revenue, gaming, sales taxes and property taxes.

Maybe there's nothing they can do about those things, but balance the budget and cross their fingers that at some point we find the bottom and bounce off.

Because that's the danger for both public and private enterprise. We've been hoping we can hang on for just a little bit longer and things will get better. But so far we've turned a lot of corners and prosperity hasn't been around any of them.

Things will get better at some point, and that will be the time to start thinking about how to avoid this sort of disaster in the future.


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