Brian Sandoval pledges taxation equalization

Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Sandoval has come out in favor of International Baccalaureate and its coming implementation in Incline's public schools.

Sandoval, current U.S. District Court Judge who recently forfeited his lifetime appointment on the bench for an opportunity to run on the Republican ticket for the Nevada governor's office, spoke to a crowded room Tuesday, at The Chateau during the Incline Village-Crystal Bay Republican Women meeting.

"I am largely in favor of choice education," Sandoval said. "I understand Incline schools are considering the International Baccalaureate, and I would love to have the ability to work with school officials in Incline Village to help the process along."

Sandoval lamented Nevada's current standing in nationwide education rankings.

"It pains me to see Nevada at the top of the list with regard to dropout rate and toward the bottom of the list when it comes to test performances," Sandoval said.

Sandoval said he met with Heath Morrison of the Washoe County School District and came away pleased with what he said are the district's attempts to diversify educational choices for the student body.

"I understand that school districts have had to curb spending, but I support districts that are continuing to look at ways to improve their schools," Sandoval said.

Getting to the other issues of state and local politics, Sandoval recognized Maryanne Ingmanson - president of the Village League to Save Incline Assets, a local nonprofit that has pursued litigation to receive reimbursement for Incline taxpayers - and said if he were elected governor, he would ensure the property tax evaluation system will be subject to an overhaul.

"Equalization needs to be revisited," Sandoval said, to loud cheers. "As governor, I would employ a system that is easy for residents to understand and, most importantly, would ensure that everyone throughout Nevada is taxed fairly."

Sandoval said the most important element in ensuring Nevada returns to prosperity is the ability to recruit businesses to the state, while refraining from tax hikes that may compromise Nevada's appeal to corporations.

"Nevada has to stay competitive," he said.

Sandoval is one of eight candidates who have filed papers for the gubernatorial race. The primary election will take place on June 8, while the general election is November 2.


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