New Nevada postage stamp announced

Nevada Sen. Harry Reid and officers from the U.S. Postal Service unveiled

the new Nevada postage stamp March 24. In attendance were Postmaster General

John Potter, Vice President of Government Relations Marie Therese Dominguez,

Senior Vice President and General Counsel Mary Anne Gibbons, and Jim

Bilbray, U.S. Congressman and USPS Board of Governors.

³The new Nevada flag stamp design captures our state¹s landscape

beautifully,² said Reid. ³Postage stamps give us a snapshot of our history.

It is a wonderful addition to the flags of our nation stamp collection and

represents our state beautifully.²

The stamp features the Nevada state flag along with snapshot art of the

Nevada mountains and ocotillo plant life. Nevada¹s stamp is one of 10 flag

stamps in the USPS Flags of our Nation collection. This year¹s collection

features the states alphabetically Montana through North Dakota. They are

produced by artist Tom Engeman who also designed the National World War II

Memorial stamp and the nation¹s first Forever Stamp. They will be on sale in



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