Choice clear in Assembly primary


There is a clear choice for Assembly in District 39. Only one candidate understands how to, and has actually shrunk the size of government, and did so as a commissioner here in Douglas County. I have talked with her at length, and she is accessible and easy to talk to. She has her telephone number on all her brochures and calling cards. She wants to hear what you have to say.

My questions to this candidate were about her governance as commissioner, and I found she understands how her decisions affect ordinary citizens because she is not indebted to special interest constituents. She takes the time to analyze situations and has a true conservative mindset. She will fight for Nevada to regain states' rights that have eroded over the years.

She reads the Constitution and refers to it often when we discussed what needs to be done in order to reclaim our rights. We talked about the right of the citizens to redress the government, and she strongly supports the rights of citizens to the initiative process. "Every time the government takes a choice from you, you lose one or more rights." This is a strong statement from a candidate that I can heartily support.

Who is this candidate for District 39 Assembly? It's Barbara Smallwood. Join me, and vote for Barbara in the upcoming June 8 Republican primary election.

David Nelson



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