School leader hunt returns

We find it highly unlikely that either of the two "back-up" candidates will find their fortunes have improved when they return to Douglas County for interviews.

We just don't see the board as it is presently divided picking someone.

That's too bad. There has been a substantial expenditure of public money to find a new leader for the school district.

Candidates Mary Bull and David Jensen were very different people with exceedingly different backgrounds. That they were the two finalists indicates the divisions in the board that were made apparent by Monday's vote. Two of the school board trustees rejected both candidates, three supported one and two supported the other.

That's a lot of different directions for seven people who represent a pretty small county.

We figure the attempt to contact and arrange interviews with the two candidates will cost the district another month or so, and suddenly it will be election season.

Our suggestion is that the board take a break until after the elections. At least one board member, Keith Roman, is term-limited out.

There are two board members being challenged in the November general election. And right or wrong, any choice Sharla Hales and Tom Moore make will be viewed through that lens, as will the successful candidate.


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