Chamber's business builder seminar returns

Main Street Gardnerville and the Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce, with the assistance of the Service Corps of Retired Executives and the Nevada Small Business Development Center, will present the fourth business building seminar of the series on May 27 - "Hiring and managing a productive workforce."

The session will cover the steps and processes involved in hiring employees such as completing a job analysis, techniques to use in an interview, developing interview questions and candidate evaluation and selection.

The elements of management and retention of productive employees such as setting expectations and boundaries, providing timely feedback and rewarding the performer will also be covered. The session also includes identifying the key elements to measuring workplace productivity and enhancing employee motivation.

The handouts include guides and formats that the participants can use in their businesses to help them with the hiring and management of their employees.

The presenter will be Nicole Barde, a management consultant with more than 25 years of experience specializing in business operations, management and organizational development, human resources management, the development of management systems and business planning processes.

Barde has been a volunteer SCORE counselor since 2002 and works with small businesses in addressing a broad range of issues. She has held numerous senior management positions in her 25 years including employee relations manager for several global business units, manager for staffing and college relations, total quality initiative deployment and has a broad range of experience in business management.

The seminars are held at the Holiday Inn Express in Minden, beginning with coffee, breakfast and networking at 7:30 a.m. and presentations at 8 a.m. All of the sessions will be limited to 30 participants and are free to Carson Valley Chamber or Main Street Gardnerville members.

To register for the sessions, contact the Carson Valley Chamber at 782-8144 or

In order to provide the greatest value to the largest number of businesses, the organizers request only one representative per member business attend.


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