County wants out of deal

The county is seeking to extract itself from a $24.7 million agreement with Riverwood Partners to build 30,000 square feet of commercial space across from Carson Valley Plaza, which commissioners approved nearly four years ago.

In a lawsuit filed on Nov. 1, attorneys point out that the county was unaware that Max Baer attained a big chunk of the property for his Beverly Hillbillies Mansion & Casino.

Interestingly, commissioners had approved zoning for Baer's casino on Oct. 11, 2007. One of the issues listed in the county's lawsuit is that county commissioners approved the development with the understanding that Riverwood was the sole owner on Oct. 18, 2007. Baer purchased 21.4 acres from Riverwood on Oct. 29, 2007. The agreement took effect Nov. 1, 2007.

The other issue in the lawsuit is that the county gave away too much to the developer, something the Douglas County grand jury agreed with.

Expansion of the redevelopment area to include the property on the east side of the highway was a controversial issue. It prompted at least one lawsuit, a grand jury investigation and a lot of vitriol aimed at county officials.

We hope that even with the present economic difficulties, that large scar in the north county is a lesson learned that not all that shines is gold.


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